Let's Plan Your Visit!
Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know GLOBAL Church is the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We look forward to meeting you! God bless.
Have kids? No worries, we've got you covered. GLOBAL Church provides childcare from newborn to 12 years old for all of our services. To read more about our awesome children's ministry, click the button below!
Have questions? We have the answers!
We are at the corner of Avocado (SW 296 Street) and 172nd Avenue. Global Church is easily accessible from Krome or US1 (South Dixie Highway). From the Turnpike, exit 288th Street or 296th Street.
You will first see Colonial Christian Academy and South Dade Baptist Church as you approach the property. Global Church meets in the Family Life Center located in the smaller building in the rear.
Our worship service starts at 10:30 am. for both the in-person and internet experience. So arrive early, and enjoy complimentary donuts and coffee, and take a tour of Global Church.
Global Church meets directly behind the main building of South Dade Baptist Church in the Family Life Center. If you park your vehicle in the back of the campus, you'll have a shorter walk, and don't worry; you will see signs and greeters that will guide you to the entrance for the in-person experience.
Global Church loves kids, and we have special programs for your children up to 12 years of age during our services.
Global Church is One Church with 2 Languages. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. We are a multicultural, multi-generational church that is all about community.
Although our church family represents great diversity in age, language, and culture, we understand that a passion to be followers of Jesus is what binds us together. We don't tolerate our differences; we embrace them. We look at our church more like family, and everyone is always welcome! So come as you are; there is no formal dress code here! We want you to feel welcomed in our relaxed services.
Serving God by serving others is an essential part of your spiritual maturity. We offer various opportunities. At Global Church, you can always put your faith into action in crucial areas. We are always looking for volunteers for:
- Hospitality Team (Greeters and Plan a Visit Volunteers),
- Technical Team (Audio / Video / Lights),
- Worship Team (Musicians, Lead and Backup Vocals)
- Children Classes (Teachers and Assistant teachers),
- Service Team (Setup / Cleaning / Teardown)
- Youth Ministry (Teachers and Transportation assistance)
If you are interested in any, please let Pastor Hector know.
At Global Church, we believe life transformation and spiritual growth happen best in a small group environment. In this warm setting, you can get to know the people in Global Church, learn more about the Bible, see the Bible lived out in others, and feel the power of answered prayer.
LifeGroups are the center of the life of our Church. Just as cells are the building blocks of our physical body, Small Groups are our church body's building blocks.
The primary purpose of LifeGroups is Bible application and doing life together in Christian Fellowship. The Christian life is learned best by example, just as Jesus taught his disciples as He walked through life with them.
- LifeGroups meet Online in English and Spanish at different times and days of the week.
- The Men's and Ladies' Group meets once a month at the Homestead Campus for an in-person experience.
Global Church also offers the choice between two languages on different nights and between in-person or Online Experiences. So there are lots of options to get connected!
Our Statement of Faith:
- In the essential beliefs, we have UNITY,
- In the non-essential beliefs, we have LIBERTY,
- In all beliefs, we have CHARITY.
1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God.
2. We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe in the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit, who convicts the lost of their sins and draws them to Christ, and who gives believers the power to transform their lives.
4. We believe the full gospel includes healing for the body, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and supernatural Gifts for the Glory of the Kingdom of God.
5. We believe in the second resurrection of the lost and saved at the second coming of Jesus: the saved into the resurrection of life and the lost into eternal separation from God.
6. Jesus Christ is Lord, and thanks to His sufferings and His shed blood, we can be born again. And we believe in:
- His virgin birth,
- His sinless life,
- His miracles,
- His bodily resurrection,
- His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and
- His return in power and glory!
7. We believe that faith in Christ alone saves and gives us forgiveness from the past, power for the present, and a promised future of eternal life in Heaven.
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